per week
based on 52 weeks
- 24/7 fitness
- Unlimited fitness
- Free WiFi
- Free lockers/shower
- Access 2 locations
- Massage chair
- Finnish Sauna & infrared cabin (Veldhoven)
best price
per week
on the basis of 52 weeks
- eGym fit in 45 min.
- eGym with 10 pieces of equipment
- 24/7 fitness
- Unlimited fitness
- Free WiFi
- Free lockers/shower
- Access 2 locations
- Massage chair
- Finnish Sauna & infrared cabin (Veldhoven)
per week
on the basis of 52 weeks
- 24/7 fitness
- Unlimited fitness
- eGym fit in 30 min.
- Live group lessons
- Free WiFi
- Free lockers/shower
- Access 2 locations
- Massage chair
- Finnish Sauna & infrared cabin (Veldhoven)
per week
on the basis of 52 weeks
- 24/7 fitness
- Unlimited fitness
- Sports with your roommate or separately
- Free WiFi
- Free lockers/shower
- Access 2 locations
- Massage chair
- Finnish Sauna & infrared cabin (Veldhoven)
per week
on the basis of flexible contact
- 24/7 fitness
- Unlimited fitness
- No permanent contract, terminable every 4 weeks
- Free WiFi
- Free lockers/shower
- Access 2 locations
- Massage chair
- Finnish Sauna & infrared cabin (Veldhoven)
24/7 fitness
Come exercise at unmanned hours. Check in with the reader at the front door and use Artisport like you're used to. 24/7 Fitness comes standard in an Artisport subscription. (See 24/7 information) If you are a member in Meerhoven you can also use location Veldhoven and vice versa! How great is that?
From the basic subscription you can use a wonderful sauna. Relax after your workout in our Finnish sauna or warm your muscles in our infrared sauna. Our mixed saunas are accessible in swimwear. You don't need an extra add-on for this! How nice is that! TIP! Want to relax extra? After you've been in the sauna, use one of our massage chairs and unwind extra!
Live group lessons
Challenging and intense classes! Something for everyone.
Our experienced and enthusiastic instructors teach weekly
A large comprehensive range of group classes at 2 locations.
You can participate at both locations in Veldhoven and Meerhoven.
Check our class schedule for days and times.
Seniors fitness
Senior fitness provides stronger and flexible muscles, better stamina and balance. Regular exercise is important for good health. Moreover, exercising together is enormously enjoyable! To participate in senior fitness you only need a basic subscription. Check the class schedule for the days and times.
EGYM, fit en vitaal in slechts 30 minuten!
Fit en vitaal worden kan nu in slechts 2 x 30 minuten per week met de revolutionaire eGym-cirkel van Artisport.
Maak kennis met de meest effectieve training ooit, je behaalt verbazingwekkende resultaten! Dankzij de volautomatische instelling met jouw eigen eGym-bandje staan alle 10 de toestellen persoonlijk voor je ingesteld!
De vele voordelen van eGym:
✅Fit & Vitaal in slechts 2 x 30 minuten per week
✅Maximaal effect, minimale kans op blessures
✅Volautomatische persoonlijk instelling van 10 toestellen
✅Je valt snel af
✅Jouw conditie neemt toe
✅Je spieren worden voelbaar sterker
✅Je hebt meer energie
✅Er zijn geen wachttijden
✅Slechts 1 minuut per toestel, dus nooit saai
Wil je eGym 1 week kosteloos uitproberen? Druk dan op de knop hieronder en meld je aan voor een gratis proefweek!
Meerbos 6 5658 LA Eindhoven
view now
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Om het onbemand sporten veiliger te maken, hebben we de procedure voor toegang tijdens de onbemande uren aangepast. We willen je graag op de hoogte

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