Ode to care!

This week our Lotte was featured in the Veldhovens weekblad, with her action during the week of care and welfare. Read below the article written by Hannie Bettgens;

"In the Week of Care and Welfare, we want to compliment people in care." Talking to Lotte van Nispen. She has organized a relaxation week for free sports.

VELDHOVEN - "People who work in care work, above all, with a lot of passion," says Lotte. In her immediate surroundings, several people work in care. "Like my mother. When I see how she throws herself into her work with love and joy. Full of passion and respect. I think the work they do is often underestimated."
As an example, she gives the changes in care. "That often causes a lot of stress. In my opinion, working in the Care and Welfare sector is often undervalued. And by that I don't just mean the people who work in institutions like a hospital, nursing home or any other professional setting."


All people who care for another are welcome during this week to come and relax for free through exercise. "Sports is letting go, a piece of relaxation through effort. Just a moment for yourself in which you can let yourself go."
Taking good care of yourself is a good basis for caring for others. "During the Week of Care and Welfare, the doors are open to come and see a care center or hospital. Therefore, during this week we also want to open our doors wide for anyone who cares for another person."


To clarify, Lotte says the offer also applies to family caregivers, relatives or friends. "We respect all these people who take care of others almost daily in terms of care or well-being. With this action we want to express a piece of appreciation, give something back. Because it all seems so obvious when you work in care. You just do it. You just make those long days. End of working hours? Hardly anyone who works in healthcare goes home at the end of working hours. There's always something left to report. Someone to comfort. A chat with a colleague about a situation experienced on your shift. And all that without grumbling because, after all, you are working with people and not in a factory."


There have been many cuts in health care in recent years. More work by fewer people. Partly because of this, a lot of negative attention has ended up in the media. "We want to show that we highly appreciate working in care and want to put caregivers in the spotlight. Anyone who wants can just walk into Artisport in Veldhoven or Meerhoven and join a class Zumba, pilates, spinning or fitness. Just what you feel like. Just check in at the reception desk. Be welcome and let us just take care of some relaxation for you."


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